Hours: Mon-Thu 9am-6pm Fri 9am-3pm
Email: luxuryvip8@hotmail.com WhatsApp:+86-135-5981-5871
Online album-1 (for luxury designer clothing, watches, bags, etc.)
Online album-2 (for luxury designer handbags, wallets, shoes, belts, etc.)
LuxuryDeals Team
Whatsapp: +86-135-5981-5871
Email: luxuryvip8@hotmail.com
Hi everyone,
We are LuxuryDeals selling high quality items for over 16 years since 2007. Our websites are luxurydeal.ru, and our albums ( its still working now). We changed our website name for some reasons but we keep working hard to provide our customers best quality & good service. Nowadays, we have thousands of loyal customers with full of compliment feedbacks. We appreciate your trust and loyal everyday and be ready to receive all feedbacks to help us make a better service.
If you are first time ordering from us, just let you know: we just simply love designer bags and has been engaged in sharing affordable replicas of high quality to the world. We realize that thought of owning annauthentic luxury designer handbag, such big brands is just a dream to many bag lovers with prices tags reaching thousands. We also know that many fake bags with same price as real ones are available all around the world, and we've seen the cheap knock offs available at street markets throughout the world, but they don't even look like a luxury bag. They are often made with cheap material and dull metal hard ware.
To bag lovers, it maybe a nightmare to try to choose a bag with high performance cost ratio. Here, LuxuryDeals prides ourselves on replicating authentic designer bags to a mirror image quality. The bags we create are meticulously crafted by our skilled artisans, with every detail replicated to the original bags which we do indeed purchase from authentic designer boutiques.
We have been sharing designer bags of high quality to every friend from the world. If you'd like to join our international client list, simply browse our website or online albums and find a luxury bag that you wish to purchase, it will be with you in a matter of days.
Please feel free to contact us via Whatsapp and we will respond faster. Thank
you for your understanding!
Hours: Mon-Thu 9am-6pm Fri 9am-3pm
Email: luxuryvip8@hotmail.com WhatsApp:+86-135-5981-5871
Online album-1 (for luxury
designer clothing, watches, bags, etc.)
Online album-2 (for luxury designer
handbags, wallets, shoes, belts, etc.)
LuxuryDeals Team
Whatsapp: +86-135-5981-5871
Email: luxuryvip8@hotmail.com